Ever wonder the secret to building a million dollar app. An Idea!
You need to ponder on the needs of the market and its customers. You must know the loopholes and all the vacant places available in the industry where you can step in to generate new outcomes and open avenues.
Hush Don’t Share!
Some people think that one should hide their idea or else someone else will copy and start working. However, you do not belong to a commodity supply business whereby getting to know a supplier offering lower price needs to hide from competitors. When you are working in the tech world you must stay confident to implement your plan in a way that nobody can beat it. Implementation is next to get a good idea in your mind. If you have a brilliant idea but you lack the expertise to implement it flawlessly you will not be able to do business in the long run.
You need to be able to bring innovation into the market in a way that it fulfills the needs of the market and make the product accessible in a way that it motivates people to get it. If you have ever pondered on the way the tech giants are generating revenues with the products that are creating buzz around the world you will know that they have not invented new things they worked on bringing innovations.
You Might Fail A Couple Of Times
Do not take failure and criticism as a discouraging factor. You need to learn the trick to climb up every time anything drags you down. According to the statistics, 11 out of 12 startups fail. You may have a great idea but you fail to implement it properly or you will get the idea with time. NO matter what consequences you face you need to understand the fact that it’s absolutely fine to fail but to learn is important.
In other words, if you have a business idea and you think you will do good chances are that you may be mistaken. To know the depth of the matter you have to put that product in the market and monitor its performance practice. Remove the variables and see how well you can do.
How to Generate New App Ideas
In making a successful app you need to adhere strictly on execution. But before executing your plan first put the foundation brick and create an impressive plan backed with a potential idea. Follow the three steps mentioned below and come up with a fascinating idea to out pass your rivals.
Identify The Core Issue
To create an app the first thing is how you will be able to cater to customers and motivate them to use it. You have to answer some pretty important question to yourself:
- Why have your app
- What purpose does it serve?
- How it rectify the issue
You need to observe your surroundings and day to day activities and note where the trouble lies. There must be a vacant space ready for you to work on. You can even consult your fellow mates and ask them about the common issues they face. Just like the Evernote provides the best solution for creative thinkers to store their thought and imagination in individual notes you can think of such a solution as well.
It’s not important to target products having highly advanced technological techniques and software. Like Augmented Reality is the perfect technology to work but it’s not compulsory that by dipping your hands in such technologies you can do good.
Make rough drafts and keep on finding ideas. No matter how bizarre they may sound you must keep on evaluating the slight issues you face daily and find no impressive solution. Sometimes the problem is right in front of us and we lack the ability to identify it or think there could be a solution to it. So stay open and welcome all the possibilities.
Don’t Hesitate To Share Your Idea
Like mentioned earlier do not hide your idea. Anybody can work on a similar project and generate tons of outcomes separately. The way you implement matters the most.
Your best people are your close relatives family and friends, with whom you must share your idea and explain them as to how you will going to provide a problem-solving. Moreover, it’s good to share ideas as our brain is pretty powerful. It simplifies information processing and creates a cognitive bias in our judgment. If you expose your plan on someone else you will get to ponder on things you were ignoring earlier.
Again you do not have to worry anybody copying your idea you just have to work on how to implement it effectively. As you are the originator of the idea you must have the best approach to implement it on stable grounds.
You must be able to pick that one best product that seems to have the most potential to get liked by the users and that can generate potential outcomes as well.
Implement The Idea Of MVP
What is the MVP?
MVP is elaborated as the development of the new products or features having a sufficient number of features that can satisfy the early adopters.
You have two routes to reach your goal. One is to invest millions of dollars and create a bombarded app which you are not sure will be needed by the user or not. While the other way is to create an app that is based on the MVP phenomena and can let you experiment while being on the safe side. By following the latter one you will be able to save your app from the early adopters while offering a feature-rich app to users to discover the new possibilities.
Read also: Money Earning Apps For Android & iOS
You can effectively test the performance of your app and make money online. Once you gain a good response you can throw a couple of updates to boost the efficiency of your product. It would prove pretty beneficial to adhere to MVP philosophy ad toll out great revenues from your new creation.
Analyze the core assumptions behind your app idea and see to what extremes you can take your development. Receive feedback and make the desires improvisations. In short, it’s good to stay safe and aim high.
The experts have their own techniques of achieving a similar goal. Some say that it takes not more than 20 minutes to throw the MVP to the market. So just when the idea hits your brain work on checking its potential on practical grounds. Whereas, others suggest to invest time in analyzing the needs and making improvisation in your plan. You should present the final and flawless version otherwise others will put their best foot forward and take up your space.
Considering the former and the latter advice, the easiest route is to pave your way in between both the bits of advice. You must invest time in identifying the needs of your people and look for ways that can please them efficiently. Once you get detailed analyses of your target audience and the norms of the competitive market, you then must create an MVP of your product and launch it in the industry.
Why Validate
Validation is an extremely important process when working on generating the best iPhone app ideas. Through validation, you give reasonable your brand a certainty to stabilize its business, grow and expand possibilities within weeks. It’s more like the step to form a stable and progressive practical ground for your business rather than wasting months doing creating a product nobody will prefer it.
The biggest fear that most entrepreneurs come across is developing a product by investing millions of dollars that the least number of customers would prefer to buy it. So it’s best to create the MVP and validate it to get a better idea about your product performance and to experiment with different techniques proficiently.
Why the IOS Platform
Marketers who look to produce revenues for the app using the monetizing method prefer the IOS platform as it facilitates them on a much broad scope. It offers in-app purchases and subscription options. According to a recent report, the App Annie which was released in 2016 generated 75% more revenues on IOS App Store than Google Play Store. Moreover, when it comes to development, the IOS development cycles are shorter than the Android ones.
Final Verdict
As per the recent reports: the number of applications in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store is around five million. That shows a load of competition rising in the industry. In such an oversaturated marketplace it’s tough to come up with an idea that can position itself efficiently and can stay up and running for a long time. Brainstorm and analyze the recent happenings around you to develop an idea that can rule over the internet.
Author Bio:
Gerry Wilson is a passionate tech blog writer and a senior mobile app developer, He transforms complex ideas into innovative approaches for app development. Currently, he is associated with Retrocube.com one of the top leading mobile app development company. Follow @GerryyWilson on twitter for further details.